
Moving to Scotland (Edinburgh) and gonna make the most out of it!!?

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Am moving next month, can you give me some advice on the life style, people, etc so I can make the most out of it?

I'd like to join some clubs (free if possible) such as biking, kayak, etc in order to socialize as I dont know people over there. am going all the way from Mexico so having good friends over there will b important.

Can you teach me some "social" rules? I dont want to have social mistakes as my sense of humor sometimes and for some people can be "too much". ANy info you can provide me will be appreciated.




  1. plenty to see and do,friendly people,good clubbing(on alternative scene,dunno about mainstream,im not into that)good music scene too,big student population,work pretty easy to come by in bars,clubs,restuarants etc,edinburgh s  cosmopolitan and tolerant place,there are a few idiots but one gets that everywhere,bad manners include,pushing to front of queues,being drunk and loud, etc its a great place to live

  2. if you have a choice better to stay in Glasgow better city and more friendlier more to do. better shops

  3. some tips ... the people are very warm and friendly once you get to know them, but usually they need a bit of time to get to know you first, so be prepared to be patient ... smile a lot and be friendly in a fairly quiet, reserved kind of way ... remember you're in SCOTLAND, not England, or Britain, or the UK ... remember to say how beatuiful it is, how much you like it (keep your criticisms to yourself for the moment) ... Scotland isn't wall-to-wall tartans and clans etc, that's mostly for the tourists ... the whiskey is very real though, and so is the beer

    as soon as you can, find out what's happening in the Edinburgh Festival and on the Fringe ... there's so much on and you'll need to book up for things in advance

  4. Living in Edinburgh

    Edinburgh, like all major cities, has its own characteristics and peculiarities.  Local customs and systems can sometimes be difficult to understand, especially for those who are new to the city; as a result, opportunities to learn from and enjoy the many experiences it offers can be missed.  

    This page simply aims to provide background information on some of the ways our city operates, and has links to topics which may be of particular interest to students who are new to Edinburgh.  It is not intended as a comprehensive guide, but will concentrate instead on practical issues and advice.

    Accommodation terminology: useful facts and details

    Entertainment in Edinburgh

    Food and drink in Edinburgh

    Healthcare for students in Edinburgh

    Media in Edinburgh

    Parking in Edinburgh

    Safety in Edinburgh

    Sport in Edinburgh

    Transport in Edinburgh

    Travel to Edinburgh

    Weather in Edinburgh


    PS Carina. Scotch Whisky is spelt without the E. You add the E when whisky is distilled outwith Scotland. (Ireland, London or Japan)

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