
Moving to South Africa at the end of the year. What are some safe areas?

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Hi guys Im planning on moving to south africa at the end of the year when i finish school in australia. The areas Im looking at are port elizabeth and durban in KwaZulu-Natal. I have been doing research on the area it it looks alright. However I would like to know if there are any more nice areas in KwaZulu-Natal. (Gated communities would be perferable).

Also what job aspects are good in those areas?

Any help would be much appreciated.




  1. Dont kid yourself. Nowhere in South Africa is safe.

  2. South Africa is a wonderful, beautiful country... but the crime problem isn't getting any better. Things here are getting tougher and tougher. Finding a job is difficult seeing that a lot of the time the jobs are given to previously disadvantaged people (black people)... even when there may be more qualified people for the job.

    No where is perfectly safe and everyone here knows someone who has been affected by crime.

    Think very carefully before moving out here. You may be a lot better off staying where you are in a country that is currently working and growing.

    I have lived in South Africa all my life, but as soon as I can, I want to get out of here. I don't see a good future for myself! It will be very sad to leave this beauty behind but I can't even imagine how wonderful it must be not to have to worry about your security and safety etc.

    My aunt and her children are moving to Sydney at the end of the year... I'm sure they will have a better life over there!

    Sometimes it does all just sound like doom and gloom, which it's not - there are many amazing things here and so are the people. We are very blessed in some of the ways that we live. From what I've heard we are spoilt with big houses and space (but don't forget the high walls and electric fencing aroung every property).. and we have people that are willing to look after us and clean and cook and wash up after us all the time, which is the total norm in almost every household. And the wonderful weather where I live in Joburg!;)

    So I'm sure one day when I leave it will take a lot of getting used to and a lot of hard work, but to feel secure and safe it will be worth it!

    So all the best with your decision! Think carefully! And I hope you are happy where ever you go!:)

  3. If you want to live in PE, you should look in the Lorraine suburb. There are quite a few gated security complexes there. It also sounds like a safe area to stay. I don't know much about Durban, but I know that I will not go live there. Personally I live in East London, which isn't a bad place to live either, depending on the suburb of course.

    As far as jobs go, can't help you there. Everyone here is looking for jobs. Unemployment is quite high. You'd do better in Cape Town if you're looking for work too, besides you didn't say what kind of work you are looking for.

  4. I've lived in PE all my life and for the last year ave been in Cape Town. PE is lovely place, nice blend on city and community like people. Although it depends what you coming to South Africa for. PE doesnt always have good job opportunities but the Eastern Cape is the hub of trade. Generally PE is quite safe and wherever you live in South Africa, you gonna have to take safety precautions like locking your door, alarms etc. In PE I would say Framesby, Sunridge Park, Kabega Park, Westering, and my favourite Lovemore Heights!

  5. South Africa is experiencing a xenophobic scare. As foreginer I would not recommend migrating there. Even South Africans are being slaughtered by Zulu. This will not cease by year end and  will take a while. You should best look elsewhere

  6. Africa is going thru so many battles,that even if you live in a secure Community,with all the unrest of the Political climates,i would think twice to move to So.Africa at the moment,,But the choise is yours no matter what we may say ,,'Its up To You',Wish you the Best..

    Contact BBC,or some non profit organization that does wrk in So.Africa to get the real details to were you might be staying at,ok

  7. I suggest you look at:

  8. Soweto

  9. Hey;;

    I am PROUD South African, but I must say that no where in the country is really all that safe anymore (this is why my parents and I moved to America.) I used to live in Durban my self; Westville, which wasn't a very dangerous suburb when I lived there (I don't know about now, I moved here about 7 years ago..I'm sure it's safer than other places still though.) My sister still lives there, and she lives in St. Lucia which isn't such a bad town (obviously it's on Lake St. Lucia), and if I were to move back to South Africa, I'd probably move to Himeville or Nottingham Road or Underberg, somewhere out in the midlands of KZN near the Drakensberg.

    South Africa IS a beautiful country, don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to go back and live there..But as I'm SURE you already know, it's not the safest country in the world.

  10. Durban Beach front is the safest!

  11. Please think twice before moving to South Africa

    It is a beautiful country but a very very dangerous one as well there is no future here what so ever.

    I am currently living in south africa and if i had the money i would leave it just aint worth it any more

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