
Moving to Spain: Where do i start?

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I am 18 years old and plan on moving to Spain within the next 3-4 years. I also plan on renouncing my US citizenship and attaining Spanish citizenship. How long would it take to become a Spanish Citizen and where do i begin once i decide to renounce my US citizenship? I am of Spanish origin, living in a former Spanish colony (La Florida), and i speak Spanish well.

Also, i plan on moving to the Canary Islands, Las Palmas - housing is not expensive. But, what is it like there? Has anyone ever traveled there? Do people walk mostly or use scooters or cars?

Give me as much information as possible!




  1. Are you planning to go to University?  If so, you should take a year and go, while studying.  While there, you can figure out some of the other things.  If you´re not going that route, good for you starting your planning well in advance.

    I wouldn´t renounce my American citizenship, even if getting Spanish citizenship is something you can do easily (which I don´t think you can - easily, that is).  All of the rest of the world is trying to get American Citizenship, so giving yours up is probably not a good idea.  You should be able to make it without giving up your citizenship, although I have heard that getting work is harder than ever these days, for anyone who ISN´T EU, so check into that in greater detail.  I´m not sure why you want to go to Canarias.  I think, if you check into the culture and all, it isn´t really Spanish, per se, so if you´re looking for your roots, and they aren´t Canaria, then you might want to go to the mainland.

    Ask yourself, also:  what kind of work do you plan to do?   If you want to, say, teach English, I think there are plenty of Brits in and out of the Canarias, that they won´t consider hiring an American.

  2. It sounds to me like you may be making a very rash decision in renouncing your US citizenship. I say this because you say you want to move to the canary islands without ever having set foot there. You should give your decision some more thought and perhaps try visiting there first. I personally, love the canary islands. My wife is from there, I lived there for a couple of years and we have spent a lot of time there on vacation. But I wouldn't dream of giving up my citizenship to move there or anywhere in spain for that matteer. The main reason is this: ever since the country changed over to the EURO the economy has been in the toilet. Things now cost a lot more because of the euro, yet salaries have not kept up with that. Do some more research, take a trip or two to find out if that's what you really want to do. Good luck with that.

  3. Housing is expensive and the Canary Island and the food too, because a lot of produce has to be brought from outside the island.

    The big problem is Spain is the euro and the prices of housing and lately food and also to find a good job there.

    Good luck.

  4. I´m from the UK which is part of Europe. As a result of that I have the right to live and work in Spain. I am officially a resident but I still have British citizenship. If I want to move to the USA I will not be allowed and you may encounter the same problems moving here. I suggest you write to the Spanish Embassy. They will give you everything you need to know.

    Spain is a great country but the laws and culture are different to the UK and to the USA. Beaurocracy here will drive you mad. The cost of living and housing is cheap, but the wages reflect that, so don´t expect to earn what you would in the States. If you are qualified such as a doctor then you will have an advantage, but the Isla Canarias may not be the best bet to start with.

    Why not go to Spain for an extended holiday bearing in mind you may need a visa. That would give you the opportunity of learning about Spain before making any major decisions in your life.

  5. If you want to have the Spanish citizenship, I don't think it's necessary to renounce to your US citizenship. Once you are a resident in Spain, you can apply for the citizenship after some years living here, or after you marry an spaniard, or if you have spanish parents or even grandparents. It's not so easy thought. Ask for information in the Spanish consulate or embassy in your country.

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