
Moving to a latin america province... which one?

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which one do you think would be a wiser choice

San German, Puerto Rico

Pueblo, Mexico

Ronda, spain




  1. Pueblo - Mexico

    Santiago - Chile

    The best places in latin america..

    spain is not latin america :S

  2. Puebla,Mexico is a good chooice the city is beautiful and you have the convenience of having Mexico City 2 hours away by car.

  3. Come to Belize - the only english speaking country in Latin America.  Beautiful - like paradise on earth

  4. I have been to all three of your choices.Ronda is a smaller city with beautiful views all around but it is the farthest away from my family and friends in Canada,the US, Mexico, Central and South America.

    I lived in/on Puerto Rico for a few months and although I didn't live in San German, La Ciudad de las Lomas  I did live near it. It is a pleasant smaller city like Ronda.My main problem with Puerto Rico is that it is an island and like Ronda too small and confining and far from family and friends.So my choice would be Puebla or actually one of the smaller towns  just outside the city such as Cholula or Atlixco.There is just so much more to see and to do in and around Puebla. So I would choose Puebla for myself and you should choose the best place for you based on your needs. All three are very good choices. ¡Buena suerte con su búsqueda!  juan23

    Things and places in and around Puebla:

  5. Hi Megatron I recommend you to move to Puebla in Mexico. The food the the architecture, streets is just incomparable, and you have close other very beautiful cities.

    Also I want to recommend you this site it has easy ways to use free online calendars. I really like how organized you can be with this site. Wherever you will go going to be useful.

  6. spain is apart of europe but i would say mexico instead.

  7. If you consider Ronda, Spain to be a Latin American province, my honest advice is that you stay home,

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