
Moving to another country, where would you go? Why? What would you miss most?

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  1. I don't think I'd ever move to a different country, I would miss everything- haha, even domestically I would miss Sydney too much.

    If I had to, I'd move to.... I really don't know, maybe New Zealand- close to home. =)

  2. Well i'm moving to the US in a few years time after i'm married, mainly becuase my g/f's from their and we both agreed we'd have a better life there, I'm from London so i'd miss my Family & friends but its not like i'll never see them again

  3. spain, its lovely and doesnt rain as much as uk. i wouldnt miss anything

  4. I'd go to Mexico. I've been there before and I absolutely love it! I wouldn't miss anything, except my dog maybe.

  5. i like to go for saudi arabia.for job purpuse,i m from india. and  i miss my india alot ,i cant express how much i miss.

    only thing which I can say is east or west india is the best.

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