
Moving to britain?

by Guest61763  |  earlier

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im moving ot da uk wit ma family nd i have kids 11 and 15 how do i change da schools whichc is best?





    hope that helps. im assuming youre looking for secondary schools and primary schools so that link might help.

  2. Applications for state schools in the UK go through the local councils, religious schools & private schools deal with their own applications.  

    If you're moving to live with family they should be able to tell you who the local council is & get you the application forms you need.  The local council website should list all the state schools they maintain, including the religious schools.  

    You can also find out what schools will be nearest to you & get information on them using the Ofsted website.  Scroll down a bit on the left hand side there's a grey box called 'Search by Post Code', choose the type of provider you're interested in - primary or secondary, type in the postcode of where you'll be living and hit return, it shoud produce a list of schools that will be near your new address:

  3. You will probably be more successful in your move to Britain if you learn the language before you arrive.
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