
Moving to mexico-can we take all our furniture and things across with no problems?

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I've read stuff about having to declare things? What is this about?? My husband is mexican and we are going to live there for 6 months and are going to take most of our things and furniture with us, like beds, couch, crib, etc...How do we go about doing this??




  1. From personal experience, I can tell you that you will probably have to declare your belongings. On electronics and certain items you will probably have to pay taxes on them... Make sure that you have your items organized and that you make an itemized list of everything before you leave.. Another thing to remember, remove any tags from NEW ITEMS. You will save yourself from being taxed on those.. If you are doing any favors for any of your hubby's friends or relatives here in the states to take items to their family or friends in Mexico make sure that you know what goes to who but tell them NOT to label the items with the names of the people they are going to. By doing this you will save yourself a headache.  FYI, depending on what time of year you move to mexico, what border crossing you leave from etc..., you will probably go through several revisions so be prepared to take everything out of your vehicle and have it gone through by customs, military, and other govt officials.. There are alot of revisions done,, some are for customs and others are for safety and checking for drugs and arms.. If you are a US Citizen you will need a Tourist Visa for 180 days if you are traveling past (further south). Make sure you have your birth certificate, your ID/Drivers License, and a valid passport. If you are traveling with your vehicle, you will need your Title & Valid Registration (this needs to be either in your husbands or your name). If the vehicle is owned by a bank or financial institution you will need a letter from them giving you permission to leave the country in the vehicle. They may ask for your husbands legal residence card/citizenship of the US. When I went to Mexico they ask my husbands for his.. If you have children make sure that you also take their birth certificates and passports.  This is all that I can think of for right now.. You can email me for more info if you need to.. GoodLuck!!!!!!!!!

  2. For six months you will need nothing more that a 180 day FM T

    Mexican authorities are going to suspect something.

    If all your possesions are used he should be able to convince them that the items are not for sale.

    Call your local Mexican embassy to be sure.

    Furnished places here are very cheap and gas so expensive.

  3. Look at Rolly Brook's page on moving to Mexico.  Click the link below.

    Since your husband is Mexican, it won't be the same as someone retiring there, but you will probably still need the Menaje de Casa.

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