
Moving to paradise? ?

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i want to move to Florida, or Jamaica or something like that for cheap so how can i do that?




  1. Go to florida they have very cheap real estate it's a great time to buy a condo or house down there because the economy is so bad.Look up florida real estate on google and start looking.But if you do go to florida it may be hard to find a job.

  2. Rent a U-Haul truck, put your stuff in theree, and drive here if you live somewhere in the U.S. Make sure you stop to sleep in a cheap motel or something.

    OR wait for specials in airline companies, when traveling in the states you can find very cheap prizes, like 79$ ! pack your stuff and go!

    OR, go in a bus here[florida], search it on google, it's pretty cheap, and you can take all your stuff.

  3. Well the answer really depends on where you live right now, if you live in the states Florida is the smartest idea. Moving stuff over seas is really expensive! Also real estate in Florida is super cheap right now so there are a lot of great affordable beach houses on the market! Like the person above said renting a U haul is the cheapest way to move your stuff. Good luck with the move!  
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