
Moving to puerto rico in 2 months, need advice please??

by  |  earlier

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I already have a place to stay but how do I sign up for utilities? Should I sign up before I move down there? Where is a cheap place to buy furniture? If I buy beds at for example, will they ship it to my apartment? or do I have to pick it up? What all should I do before I move down there? Thanks!




  1. I don't know but do you need a roommate?  I'm Puerto Rican by blood but Southern Californian at heart.  Raised in Anaheim most my life.

  2. Buy lots of pad locks and chains so you can lockup EVERYTHING you own....crime there is terrible. Also make sure you have FULL coverage auto insurance with a low deductable on your car. The only thing worse than the crime, is the driving down there.

  3. I think you need a chill pill. P.R. is like any state. You'll find plenty of furniture stores with a range of prices and delivery shouldn't be a problem. As far as utilities I think you're jumping the gun. Relax if you have some in P.R. that can do this favor for you, I would take that opportunity. If not it's matter of waiting in line.

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