
Moving to the next step .

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ok me & my boyfriend have been together for a year now. He is 17 and I'm 16. For being together that long you haven't done "much". We have talked about s*x and everything and since we have been together for such a long time i have been considering it. but i'm just not to sure.

Any one have any advice ?




  1. you should wait, until your really sure. until you dont have to question if you really want to do it or not. and make sure you both know the consquencess.

    p.s.  when & if you decide to do it...make sure you use condoms!  

  2. A year in a relationship is not actually a very long time.

    If you are unsure about it then I definately wouldn't. You could risk losing the relationship altogether if you do.

    If you two are intended to be together as a couple for the rest of your lives then you each need to learn together when the time is right. And neither of you should feel unsure about any of it either.

    Whatever you do, if you both decide to go ahead - please make sure you are properly protected. The last thing you want is a baby right now - and it can happen even if you have both only done "it" once.

    My very best wishes to you both. UK

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