
Moving to vancouver in a few months?

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he im 19 years old and im going to move to Vancouver (sqamish) in sept, i just finished high school but i have no experience in any-skilled trades i really want to start making good money, where should i go?. Also i was looking into working on a oil rig but im in the GTA and i cannot find a place to get my H2S alive certificate.




  1. The best way to "make good money"on a consistent basis would be to finish college and then earn a university degree.  Statistics show that salaries are higher for those who have completed school.  (I'm assuming you haven't finished yet because of your age).

    Granted, many people don't finish school and go on to be quite successful, but an education is tried and true.

  2. The best way to make money is to move out of Canada. I am serious! You won't make money living in a country that taxes its people up to 40%!!! Moving down south is a good option. Vancouver is an expensive city to live in. Rents are high and only the rich who have money in real estate make money. The rest are living on credit cards and loans.

  3. If you want a good place to live, come to North Vancouver, and get a apartment in Woodcroft. Its a great building site, and the prices are just right. ( )

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