
Moving with our 2 year old?

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We have been in the same home with our 2 year old since she was 1 month old. She transitioned from our room to her own room and crib very well when she was a little over 6 months old. She's very independent, a fast learner, and attends daycare. We're finally moving out of the old house we've been renting and moving into a large apartment until we are ready to buy a home. We figured at the same time since we have to break down her crib to move it, we'll put it back together as the toddler bed instead. We have had a lot of people warn us that all the changes are going to freak her out and it's going to take a while for her to transition into a new home, new room, new bed. We're prepared for her getting up/not staying in bed and some rough nights but I really don't think it's going to be as bad as they claim. I was wondering if there were any tricks or suggestions to make it a bit more calming and smoother for her once we're moved in to the new place?




  1. try to keep her room the same... yes a few changes are good.... my son adapted to it very easily.. he's 2 and we just moved into our apartment about 2 mths ago...

  2. When we moved with our 2 1/2 year old we let him help us set up the 'big' bed and tell us where he wanted things to go in his room.... he enjoyed it and we never had any problems with him settleing in

  3. I think you should keep her in the crib until she's adjusted to the new house. or if your not moving too too soon, put her in the toddler bed at your old house. that would be the best bet, but I'd give her at least 2 weeks before moving., preferably more time though. depends on how soon your moving out.

  4. Let her be there when you put up her new bed.  Tell her that you moved her here and am giving her the bed because she is a big girl now and how proud of her you are.

    Make it fun, let her help.  Show her how to make the bed and put her favorite stuffies on it.

    Children go through change all the time.  It's a part of life.  She may be afraid in the new apartment, that's normal at ages much older than your daughter.  It's a new environment, not remembering in the dark where the potty is, etc.

    Just keep her involved in the whole move packing, letting her take light boxes to the truck, and make it fun!  No matter how frustrated you get (moves are tough on us older people too), make it fun!

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