
Moving with your first child?

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My husband wants to pick up and move to another state with our almost 11 month old baby. My fear is that while his grandmother would be moving in with us...we'd have no other family...he's the first grandbaby on both sides and now we live within 45 mins of tons of family...I just don't know how well we'd do with out our son's grandparents, 2nd cousins, aunts and uncles, and great aunts and uncles....has anyone picked up and moved like this...what was your experience?




  1. We've lived three hours away and still managed to receive visits and go down and visit. Actually I appreciated the distance!

    My kids are 3 & 6 and this is their third home and well my eldest has moved 6x. They've adapted quite well. Kids are resilient.

  2. we moved while I was pregnant with our first son.  My Mom flew out to stay with me for a week after he was born.  Needless to say when she left I was a mess.  I missed my family and after my son was born it was much harder.  We moved back when my son was 3 months.  We now live within a 2 or 3 hour drive from most of our family and he gets to see his Nana and Papa on a monthly basis instead of a few times a year.

  3. I don't think he'll really know the difference.  You'll make friends with others that have children, he'll make friends of his own as he gets older, etc.

    It will be much tougher on you.  I moved 1500 miles from most of my family & friends (before I met my husband).  I moved closeby to my mom and dad.  Once I married and had children I felt a little more settled and of course now I have my in-laws, but it's not the same as being around your own family.  It makes me sad that my boys don't know my family at all, just their Grampy (my mom passed before the babies arrived).  They only get to see Aunties & Uncles about once a year.  

    It really depends on how far away you are moving and if you will be able to travel to see them (or vice/versa) on a regular basis.  It's nice that you will still have grandma with you!

    Unless it's a good opportunity to better your lives (ie: big job promotion, etc.)  I would definately give some more thought.

  4. Your son will be fine - he's too young to really know or understand.  You on the other hand, I'm not so sure.  If you haven't had alot of experience moving far away from family it can be tough but you can get used to it if you let yourself.  Then visits with your more distant family become even more special.  If your husband wants to move because there is a great opportunity for him and, therefore, you then you should really consider it.  It will broaden your horizons as well as those of your son.

  5. Your son will be fine, it is you that i would be worried about. Reiterate to you husband unless it is for a job or something like that, that you will not have family around. If you ever need a sitter you are going to have to get to know everyone. Also if you need help with anything family wise.  But everyone needs family!  Good luck

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