
Mp3 Name/artist help?

by  |  earlier

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My friend just gave me a cd with loads of albums and compilations on it. It also had album artwork saved to the disk so it didnt open automatically in itunes. I just tried to add them to my itunes, and it came up with all the songs as "track 1, 2, 3" ect, and the artists on the compalations as various. Is there anything i can do or any freeware i can get that will sort this without me having to copy and paste them all individually (theres alot of albums). Help?




  1. You can try with the FREE Software called  Mp3tag.

    Mp3tag is a powerful and yet easy-to-use tool to edit metadata (ID3, Vorbis Comments and APE) of common audio formats. It can rename files based on the tag information, replace characters or words from tags and filenames, import/export tag information, create playlists and more. The program supports online freedb database lookups for selected files, allowing you to automatically gather proper tag information for select files or CDs.

    I use it myself and highly recommended. get from this website:

  2. ( Must Be On The Disc, Not Already Ripped Off ) On iTunes, Press Shift And Select The Songs You Want, On The Toolbar Press ' Advanced ' Then ' Get CD Track Names ' , It Searches Over iTunes For Them. Hope This Helped!
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