
Mp3 player suddenly playing low quality

by  |  earlier

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hi there.

wondering if anyone can help.

Iv got this little mp3 player, its like a ipod shuffle but not. 1gb,


Managed to get music on it, and it was playing lush, till yesterday the battery was totaly used up, i brought it home, put it on charge, and now wheni listen to it its as if the music is low quality compared to how it was before. but i havent physically done anything to the files?!

it really is a basic player, an on off switch,a usb port and the play pause and skip/vol buttons. nothing else. no display or anything.

the music itself sounds ok, but the vocals sound dipped as if they are barely there.




  1. huh, how weirdddd :|

    okay, id say charge it till fullest and see if that works, or put all songs back on mp3. maybe might help /?

    ooohhh, orr it could be your headphones? my music always sounds funny when my headphones get old!


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