
Mpg about motorcycle on website?

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well i am doing research about mpgs on motorcycles on their website. but i cant seem to find how much mpg it has. i tried kawasaki, suzuki, and honda and none. but i am new at this.. can anybody help? thanks.




  1. Good link DoH, thanks!! With so many people buying bikes for fuel savings I wouldn't be surprised if the manufacturers started listing MPG ratings soon.

  2. Motorcycle MPG's vary greatly with rider habits.

    My 800cc Suzuki Boulevard C50 can get anywhere from 70+ to as low as 30 (if I am really winding it out).  It probably averages 50 or so as I commute to work and ride on side streets, highway, and interstate.

    If you are looking for mileage, stick with smaller cc's/ci's, avoid heavy bikes, or performance models.  There are a few mods you can do to increase mileage as well.

    For the most part though - especially compared to even a small car, almost every bike out there is going to blow your mind with the mileage.

  3. the motorcycle company's do not give

    info on there bike's mpg. are you trying

    to find the mpg for all bike's or one specific

    type of bike.


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