
Mr Howard, historically you have been an enthusiastic campaigner for young Australians to serve their country.

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During the Vietnam war you toured universities as a young liberal singing the praises of the war andctrying to convince other young men to risk their lives as soldiers. Equally, you have been eager to see a new generation of young Australians go to prosecute a war you enthusiastically support. Now you advocate national service for young people during their "gap year" - with the hearty support of your front bench. What of the children of this hawkish group of politicians? Surely Alexander Downer's son could interrupt his g*y frolics accross the university lawns to "serve his country"? Considering the active role his father has played in escalating the conflict and the substantial investment state and federal taxpayers have made in the Downer familly; it seems eons that they have lived off the public purse. What of the treasurer's children and your own offspring? Does Tony Abbott sit his "princess" on his knee at night and map out a rosy future in the armed services for her? Why not?




  1. Campaigning is one thing, and active participation is another.

    Australia is not at war with other countries, so it's usless to have national service training.

    This is better to be left to people who want to make defence  a full time  profession or occupation.

    There would be nothing worse than having a wimp or a consciences objector shivering in the trenches beside you.

  2. A serious question such as this would ideally be posted at, a site where reasoned, coherent argument is the norm.

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