
Mr <span title="President...Poem...critique">President...Poem...critiq...</span> please!?

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Last night I painted memories inside my head's walls,

They were put there by a preacher to keep the 'bad' stuff out,

And here I am sitting in my own one foot long bathtub,

I'm finding it really hard to sink down to the bottom.

Yesterday seemed so d**n funny how it all fell into place,

A sudden shake and here we go another earthquake.

I decided that I would breathe in the ash from your cigarettes,

Just so I could feel so close to you, or as close as possible.

I want to go to war just to prove the whole world wrong,

Governments not virtue, it's like your most hated song.

It's always on the radio and you just can't get away from it,

Stand up Mr President, doesn't this make you proud.

Hands down cause this is the greatest dream I've had,

You see I replaced myself with another heartless fad,

Then I fitted in with everything and everyone,

Oh God help me who have I become.

I'm on the verge of committing Suicide,

No not the kind that will take my own d**n life,

I just want to let go of all my sanity,

Cause then I can finally learn how to breathe.

I'm an artist, a poet a man without a face,

I'm your lover, your taste, whose the real waste.

Thank you MR President for making me see,

Just how truly this world can learn to be.




  1. Pretty good i can see what your trying to say,with your voice,heres one i wrote on the same thing ?

    Humpty dumpy sat on capital hill

    Waving his blue

    Spangled banner

    eating green candy

    Popping his pills

    wait while I hide my face behind

    a crocodile grin

    playing a local heroe

    his got us all on our hands &amp; knees

    soemtimes i feel I&quot;ve been taken

    for a ride

    I&#039;m just a piece of meat

    out in the street

    Although our great economy

    Has gone into tail spin

    We need to forget

    What we have spent

    In Iraq who’s really

    Paying the rent?

    Pass me another pizza

    whisky &amp; gin

    To forget all my troubles

    Of sin

    After September 11

    We had to go in for the kill

    To all the kings horses

    And all the kings men

    To wage a new war

    To even our bruised egos

    Even the score

    Make enemy lines

    Off our crown shores

    Build up our bank accounts

    From oil derived in bounties

    Straight to our off shore accounts

    While we can make our citizens

    Pay all these accounts

    They are the ones who will shout

    Because we believe we have them

    Believe we are the clout

    Of god and fortune &amp; might

    Gods on our side

    Who stands by us?

    Stand by our sides in great stride

    Let’s show strength of good pride

    Let’s build new fears

    New front lines

    Of fear and dread

    Tonight I can’t go to sleep

    As I now have amnesia?

    From all of Humpy’s lies

    That has turned into mountains

    Of sin

  2. Very dark, but a good commentary on the state of the rotten onion.

    Here are my thoughts in Sonnet form:


    Can we in honour fair heroes bespeak

    Their loss for whom we dearly care?

    Whose lives are spent to further premise weak.

    Now futile fight in distant war unfair?

    That president with vicious lies should seek

    The fabric of a hurting  world to tear,

    Invasion ordered and with prospect bleak

    To pyrrhic vict&#039;ry troops committed there.

    Now may dark choler within us arise 

    Justice cry out to this sleeping land

    Impeachment&#039;s remedy advise.

    So may at last our Congress make a stand

    Integrity restoring in this wise

    Giving answer for blood outpoured in sand.


    I will speak their names with highest honour

    They certainly deserve not one bit less

    But may the fiercest Furies take in store

    The foul defiler of their dauntlessness.

    He who shameles knew no labour

    No honourable service could confess

    Privileged guard duty sans risk&#039;s savour

    He served our divided country far less.

    Later he presumed with rancour to impugn

    So much better and braver men than he

    They not coddled with tarnished silver spoon

    This our fair country never would be free

    If we our trust placed in that wiley loon,

    With his cocaine and booze and daddy&#039;s knee.

    © Albert K. Jungers, July23, 2007, All Rights reserved.

    And so as not to be confined to one style or format:

    Bush  A Clerihew

    The awful nefarious President Bush

In the Oval office sat on his tush

Making up schemes involving WMD&#039;s

And doing whatever the neocons please.

    © Albert K. Jungers. June 15, 2007, All Rights reserved

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