
Msnbc left leaning bias?

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I was just watching Msnbc with the female blonde haired host alex ?, and when addressing a reporter at the soon to be republican convention she said " look at the empty seats at the republican convention, who would have thought". Is msnbc's bias getting more and more blatant as the election season goes on.




  1. It's sort of a "Haunted Hill" effect.By not leaning as far to the right as other news outlets, they appear to be leaning to the left.

  2. I  heard  that  the  US  media  is  geared  to  to  the  right.  I'm  in  the  UK  and  heard  this  on  the  radio from  someone  who  just  returned  from  the states.  If  you  want  another  8  years  of  the  republicans  you  know  who  to  vote  for.  In  the  UK  the  advertisers  are  up  in  arms  as  no  one wants  to  watch  right  wing  'c**p'  TV  and  are  switching  off  in  their  droves.  If  Msnbc  is  now  deciding  to  lean  to  the  'left'  is  it  because  they're  losing  an  audience  who  are  fed  up  of  being  brainwashed.

  3. Yes, I believe so and even emailed nbc just yesterday and complained about two comments they made, first they put up a breaking news banner at the bottom of the screen which stated "wonder how many houses Palin has" and then stated verbally "we guess McCain only likes beauty pagent women" thats not reporting news that is bias comments at their worst.

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