
Mt Ranier hiker saves wife/friend?

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This guy didn't have to die why didn't he just build a snow cave instead of a snow trench? Why don't people educate themselves before venturing into the outdoors. You have to assume the worst and be prepared for anything and everything. It was a noble thing to do but he didn't have to die and they should have traded places. I'd rather have my husband and friend than a dead heroic husband and friend. What say you?




  1. Ordinary people every day carry out actions under extreme stress that with more thought and knowledge could end in a good way or a tragic way. Maybe he was the strongest of the three and knew that for any of them to live he took steps to save another person. Yes it is good to be prepared for things when you travel etc, but even the best trained people find themselves in trouble. I think no-one can make a judgement unless they are in those peoples shoes. I do not know how I would cope if faced with knowing my actions certainly would mean my own death. It is like people who jump into rivers and save someone but in the act die. These people are heroes unfortunately someone died due to a tragic set of circumstances

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