
Mt. Washington?

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I'm going on this trip to Mt. Washington and I'm really inexperienced. I'm only 14 and not ready for the worst weather in the world. What can I do to get out of this?




  1. Tell your parents how you feel about this. Just last weekend someone was killed in an avalanche on that mountain. Mt Washington can be a very dangerous place in the winter. Maybe you can climb a smaller mountain or postpone the Mt Washington trip until the snow melts in the spring.

  2. stay at home

  3. If you do not think that you are ready, you should not go. Many people get into serious trouble by hiking beyond their capabilities. If you are not sure that you can do it, it is irresponsible and dangerous for you to go. You are risking your life, the lives of those with you and the lives of the rescuers. This is especially true if you are thinking of going in the winter. I'd hate to read about you in the AMC's accident reports.
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