
Muay Thai / Anderson Silva Question?

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Never have i asked two questions a day, and i do know the line that divides the MMA people from the traditional MA people, but i must know...

At the end of Silvas devastating and impressively lightning quick win over James Irvin...What was the motion he did???

It looked like a form of some kind of ritualistic dance, but martial arts oriented...Anyone have any idea?

i know he has practiced MT for a long time and even started his martial arts with taekwondo...any relationship to these???

Just curious, if you hate MMA or stupid questions like these be sure to ridicule me and answer with extreme sarcasm...

i just must know out of sheer curiosity...




  1. that's just the Michael Jackson move that he does after every fight-I think his legs were too sore so he couldn't moonwalk across the octagon

  2. It's funny you mention that.  When I was watching with 3 other parents of TKD students, I said "Look he is celebrating by doing his blocking set".

    At our school, we do a similar set of movements called "blocking sets" as part of the criteria for belt advancement.

    But Judomofo has the right and real answer.


  3. I wish I knew the answer to this.  I love Muay Thai but unfortunately do not watch MMA.  Not that I think it's stupid, just don't have the doe,  you know.

  4. I believe it was muay boran..if you take a look at some of tony jaas stuff it looks similar..that what i was thinking.

  5. It is a typical Wai Khru Ram Muay movement...

    Essentially he is just doing a short Wai Khru at the end of the fight to celebrate, it stems from the spiritual part of the tradition of Muay Thai.

    Normally part of a ritual, normally it is done in the beginning and it is mean to show honor to your school, family, teachers and to pray for safety.

    (From Wikipedia on the Wai Khru... there are better sources but this is a pretty good one:

    Wai Khru Muay Thai is a tradition which goes back to ancient times, it is not an optional ritual or reserved for special occasions: the official Muay Thai regulations[2] specify that both fighters must perform the Wai Khru Ram Muay before each and every bout. It's a tradition in which fighters pay respect to their teachers, parents and things they hold sacred and pray for their safety and victory. The ritual has been developed in different ways, in different regions, even under different teachers and therefore it is theoretically impossible for two fighters to perform identical Wai Khru.

    The Wai Khru is graceful and aesthetic ritual, both practical and spiritual. In a practical sense, it functions as a final pre-fight warm-up and gives the fighter some time alone before the fight to collect his thoughts. It can be divided into three main sections:

    The Royal Homage Sequence

    This was originally intended to show devotion to the King, going back to the days when fighters were selected to display their skills in front of him. It has three subsections: Prostration, Outstretched Arms and Act of Homage.

    The Kneeling Sequence

    This section is performed in a kneeling posture, one knee on the ground and the other leg out in front. the fighter pivots around on the spot to repeat the same sequence facing all four sides of the ring, a tradition which comes from Krabi Krabong.

    The Standing Sequence

    In this section, the fighters go out from the center of the ring in one direction, to perform the Dramatic Interlude. Some fighters imitate the motions of "Rama Shooting an Arrow" from the Ramakien, a hunter, a soldier, or an executioner. Some fighters use this ritual to attempt to scare their opponents, commonly by stomping around them. But in a deeper sense, the fighter is expressing religious devotion, humility, and gratitude. Transcending both physical and temporal limitations, he opens himself to the divine presence and allows it to infuse his heart

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