
Muay Thai forever?

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I heard (through this site actually) that after a few years of muay thai it would be smart to switch to karate to become a more rounded striker. Do you agree with that statement or do you say stick with Muay Thai.

Thank you in advance




  1. I agree with Bunminju, but these type of Karate programs are hard too find.  I have trained in both.  You will find a good Karate school will teach all the same techniques as Muay Thai, but also some open handed techniques that are more appropriate for the street where you won't be wearing boxing gloves.  

    Karate also has some more advanced kicks that you might find useful, like side, hook, spinning hook, jump turn back side kick, etc.  I know I have seen several MMA fighters with a Karate back ground like Bas Rutten, Chuck Liddel, Muchado~sp use these kicks successfully.

    The main problem with Karate is that it also spends alot of time on traditional techniques that MMA fighters don't need or want.  You might be able to find a good Karate teacher that also teaches Kick boxing and incorporates the Karate kicks in the KB class without any of the traditional stuff.

    I personally teach both Karate and Kickboxing.  My kickboxing classes include both techniques from Muay Thai and Karate.

    EDIT for Ethan.

    There is alot more to Karate over Muay Thai than just the "Krotty" chop.  I listed a few kicks above that have been used successfully against MT in Kickboxing and MMA matches.  Karate also offers alot more for street fighting than Muay Thai.

  2. Karate in my oppinion doesn't compare to Muay Thai at all, I say that if you want to be a good fighter, you should just continue with Muay Thai, maybe some boxing lessons, and if you want to be a well rounded fighter take some Jiujitsu, Judo, and wrestling to improve your ground game...

  3. If it's fist strikes, I would think boxing would be better. (Since they don't kick)

    I've never taken karate though - but I do take Muay Thai from Saekson Janjira.

  4. KARATE uses a greater variety of hand strikes so you may gain some value there but essentially karate trains in the same technique as muay thai elbows knees head buts .

    If a karate practicioner trained with the same intensity as a muay thai  fighter using all the technique in karate for sparring there wouldn't be much difference between the two except karate rarely uses round kicks to the legs but prefers direct strikes and stomps to the thighs hip joints and knees.In most karate systems the round kick is usually to the ankle to sweep the opponent off his feet.

    But this type of karate is rarely taught anymore .

  5. If you already know Muay Thai, you're already a good striker.  The only weapon Karate gives you that Muay doesn't have is the Krotty Chop.  Which is actually quite formidible, since you can use it to split boards and bricks.

    In terms of actual fighting, you'd be better off learning Krav Maga.  You'll become ridiculously effective at winning street fights and life and death scenarios..
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