
Muay Thai vs BJJ?

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I am looking to start training, I went to a BJJ class before and liked it but I wasn't able to continue. Now that things have cooled down I am looking to take something again, this time I figured I would give Muay Thai a try. I'm in average shape, a little bit of extra weight, and a complete beginner remember.




  1. The question is, What do you want to do?

    If you want to punch people out then do some muay thai.

    If want to submit people then do some BJJ.

    Which ever one you find more enjoyable, is the one you will most likely succeed and be more effect with.

  2. how much are you spending for BJJ class? probably like 100? not sure about muay thai but maybe around the same price? for unlimited training? Why not just go join a mma gym. I am in california and my cousin is in texas and we both pay 150.00 for unlimited training. Its for muay thai, jiu jitsu, wrestling, and other classes that conditions your body. Therefore you won't get tired of one or the other becasue it's always mixed. Good luck!

  3. Both are very effective in close range, one-on-one fighting. Neither would be much help if you're jumped by multiple opponents.  When I was training in BJJ, we were very fortunate to have in our club, a guy who was also a black belt in muay thai.  He took the time to show us some basic Muay Thai strikes. As a result, I learned how important it is to train in several different martial arts. I think, depending on how much BJJ you have taken, you would be better off to learn some Muay Thai. Even someone who has become proficient at BJJ would have some trouble with an effective Muay Thai striker.

  4. In mma BJJ, because the rules take away a strikers best weapons.  In the street, toss up, but probably Muay Thai.

  5. definitely try both...The more diverse you are, the better fighter you will be.

    Striking: no one does this better than Muay Thai...Kicks are insane, punches are quick and effective...

    BJJ: For many reasons...take downs...chokes... submissions...the technique is relentless...

    Now, after the striking, what is left in a real fight scenario? Ground fighting...if you are in a street fight most times they don't stop after a knock you have to rely on ground technique...

  6. Lol it doesn't matter just see which one you think is more effective or you like more. Anyway if you have a little bit of fat now  after you've done training for a while either Muay Thai or BJJ you wont have any fat you would be in a good shape

  7. If you're tossing up between the two try Muay Thai (seeing as you already have experience in BJJ) then choose which one you enjoy the most and are most comfortable with. Both are extremely effective martial arts.

  8. Muay Thai Fool !
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