
Mucky pond?

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I live next to an EXTREMELY "mucky" pond. the top is almost completely covered in algae. what could be done to reduce the amount of algae on the pond?




  1. There are two approaches, nutrient management and algal removal. For the first, you might be able to reduce the amount of phosphorus that reaches the pond. Cutting back on dust helps. Conversely, you can get sneaky and fertilize the pond heavily during the late winter or early spring. This promotes the growth of unicellular algae, which block the light from reaching the bottom where the filamentous algae grow. [As the mats of algae produce oxygen, the gas becomes trapped and floats the mats to the surface.]

    You can remove the algal mats with a special rake designd for the process or you can poison the algae with copper sulfate.

    A lot depends on whether the pond is an isolated one or one that feeds a stream that leads to a drinking water plant and also what sort of land surrounds the pond.

  2. it must be getting nutrients from somewhere. are you sure it isnt a slurry pit lol?

    ducks make the water like that, no help for that, but if its just a small pond and its just a spring 'flush', barley straw would get rid of it, or rather the microorganisms that live on the wet straw release something that does..
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