
Mucous plug Question?

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At what week did most of you lose your mucous plug? And how long did it take for labor to start? Im 36weeks and 4 days so should it be coming out soon? or do some peoples never come out that they can tell?




  1. mine looked like vaseline a big huge clump of vaseline and it came the night before I went into early labor (was overdue by 7 days when it came out and accompanied by pubic bone pain).  

  2. I have been having discharge for quite awhile now with this pregnancy and it's just been white colored and not runny or sticky. But this afternoon i went to the bathroom and when i wiped i had a lot of what looked like clear/yellowish snot. All through out the rest of the night i have been having a little more snotty substance every time i go. That's how i knew the difference. I never lost my plug with my first pregnancy so this is all new to me too. Some women don't lose it at all or not until they are about to give birth so don't worry about it too much. If you lose it soon you do if you dont it's not a problem. Good luck !

  3. I lost my plug at 37 weeks! I am 39 weeks today and still no labor! I hope things go faster for you!

  4. 3 out of 4 never came out.  The one that did was during a Dr.'s exam.  The Dr. ended up sending me to L&D for induction(for other reasons).

  5. I never lost my mucus plug. I was induced at 40 weeks and 1 day :)

  6. It is very noticeable it looks like you wiped out a nasty bloody booger.  

  7. I have lost mine a couple times. You know it is the end when it is bloody.

    I lost it the first time at about 36 weeks. I got all worked up thinking labor was near... But then I found out I didnt loose it all.

    Every once and a while i would get more "snot" in my undies.

    Finally a couple days ago I lost it all. Bloody and everything. And I still havent gone into labor.

    Everybody is different

  8. It can be lost at any point in the last trimester. A lot of women never notice or it doesn't come out until sometime during active labor.

    Birth blessings to you.

  9. I don't know. But I would also like to know the answer to that question. I am 36 weeks and 2 days and I've had mucous discharge but no blood. They say that the mucous plug has blood.

  10. I lost my plug at 36 1/2 weeks at around 7 at night and I gave birth to my baby girl at 7:55 the following morning!! Good luck..your almost there!! Everybody is different so you may not lose yours at all!! I definently knew I had lost mine doubt about it!!

  11. well the plug can start coming out anytime after 30 weeks.  some women don't lose there plugs as other can be losing there from 30 weeks on.  it's like jelly just because you are losing your plug doesn't mean that you are going to go right in to labor it still can be weeks.  but the next time you go to the dr. you can have them to strip your membranes and most often in 24 - 72 hours you will have your baby if the baby isn't to big.
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