
Mucus plug and stitch in my side at 40weeks???

by  |  earlier

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ok,am i the only one who doesn't really know the dif between a plug and a show?iv had white discharge that has become thick and slimey today,thats part of a plug,right???and contractions are always like period cramps or bachache???not like a stabbing stich that changes from side to side,and is sometimes accompanied with b-hicks???is this just wishfull thinking?




  1. Your plug, or your show, are the same thing. The thick and slimey discharge could be the start of your show, but is also a normal part of how the v****a keeps itself clean. Contractions can be different for everyone and even different with every pregnancy. You may actually be having contractions and they just aren't coordinating themselves well enough to be effective. If you are 40wks and these 'pains' seem to be happening quite frequently I would go to L&D to be evaluated to see if you might actually be in labor.

    Good Luck!

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