
Muffin top help??????

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i'm 12 and have a muffin top that i want to lose quickly.

it looks really embarrassing and i don't feel comfortable with it

what are some good exercises to help me lose it?

more details

-i can only stay inside my house

-my mom has an ab lounge

-can't go to the gym

-weight 115 lbs.

-plz don't say i'm too young to lose weight




  1. Become a vegetarian. It's more healthy and it won't make you feel bloated like you might w/ eating meat.

  2. just wear pants that fit you ..

  3. stop eating junk food and sweets

    lay off the pork..and grease

    Drink more water...

    If your mother has a treadmill...walk on it in the mornings when your stomach is empty.  

  4. the ab lounge will work pretty well, but most likely you will grow out of that.

  5. Eat plenty of green vegetables. They are low in calories and high in nutrition. Also lift weights in circuit fashion to get a cardio workout plus stimulate your lean body tissue and speed up your metabolism. Here are some free workout videos and other tips to lose weight fast..

  6. well you kind of are too young but i will help ok first things first do situp, cruches, or the treadmill. access a pool but accoring you can't leave the house then kind of take pool away. but why would you want to if you are trying to look good then a lot of boys are attracted to muffin tops

  7. Don't wear your clothes so tight. Don't eat junk.  

  8. Crunches.

    Not a full sit-up, just half way.

    do like, 5, then if yu feel like yu can do more, do it.

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