
Mugabe's militia are forcing people to vote using violence.....?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike it not time for the UN to step in and remove the f*cker from power?




  1. The poor people in Africa have always been the politician's gravy train, with them, Dumb a ss western governments give African Governments billions in aid only for it to be spent on the politicians themselves and Army that keep the status quo. There will always be poor and starving people in Africa, because the politicians like it that way.

  2. the labour party are refusing the people a vote. there's not much difference really. either way its a sad loss of democracy taken away by dictatorships in both country's.

  3. Unfortunately,Zimbabwe's problems can only be solved by  Africans themselves!It is now time for the likes of Thebo Mbeki of South Africa to put his head above the parapet and be counted  and make it plain to all that this act of murder and intimidation is not acceptable in a civilized society!

  4. The UN can only employ military force to remove Mugabe from power with the approval or at least acquiescence of the full Security Council, and even if such authorization wasn't blocked by China (which has traditionally backed the Mugabe government despite increasing sanctions by other UNSC members) a military intervention would probably be unpopular both outside the world and  in Zimbabwe itself and likely lead to another dictatorship by whoever was appointed to run Zimbabwe in the interim. The person who mentioned the need for more African intervention in Zimbabwe is correct; it would be far easier for a nation like South Africa to sort out Mugabe than for the U.N., the United States, or Britain to impose a solution from above.

  5. Don't be surprised, this is African politics at work.

    Instructions for  an African election usually goes something like this.

    " Today is voting day for the president, at the polling station there will be two black boxes. If you wish to vote for the president you put your vote in the one black box.

    If you don't vote for the president YOU will be put in the other black box".

    Whoever ends up running Zimbabwe, it will never return to the prosperous nation it was pre Mugabe because the next Government will be just as corrupt as the current one, they just can't help themselves.

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