
Mugabe is vilified, but he gave people the chance to vote, what say did we get on the Lisbon treaty Mr Brown?

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Mugabe is vilified, but he gave people the chance to vote, what say did we get on the Lisbon treaty Mr Brown?




  1. I'm Irish, I was so proud of my country when we said NO

    (we have until october to say yes now)

  2. Mugabe did give the people of his country the chance to vote, as long as they all voted for him..

    Mr Brown.  (only from the back end of his trousers...)

  3. Wow, you get to vote for someone who will have you killed if you don't vote for them.

    What a choice!

  4. He gave people the option of voting only for HIM.

  5. Good observation!  It certainly looks like we're living in a dictatorship nowadays.

  6. Had we used HIS system of voting, you would have had the choice of voting FOR the Lisbon Treaty or being kicked or shot.  (or both!!)

  7. Most people just want to vote no to the treaty without understanding what it says or even what its all about. And polls show that the people who will vote no are a majority. (I don't vote either way for anyone or anything - not even BB9). So whats the point of having a vote when you know what the result will be?

  8. I like the comparison. And a thankyou to all the irish folk who said no. But everyone knows they will keep pushing until they get the answer they want. Its total bulls**t and everyone knows the EU is heading towards some totalitarian state with a 21st century twist on communism.

  9. mugabe gave people the chance to vote or he would beat them up

  10. Mugabe promised his people a good beating if they did not vote for him..And I don't think he would have gone back on that promise....(unlike UK Labour party.)

    Labour promised the people of the UK a referendum if the people of the UK voted for them in the 2005 election.

    ...All that the people of the UK got after that election, was another Labour government and another broken promise.

  11. Well technically speaking we got the say when we voted for Labour in 2005. We vote for them to represent us, therefore we trust their judgement in all matters; they never ever HAVE to have a referendum on anything - especially as the UK has no constitution. Most countries will always have a referendum on a constitutional matter, but little else.

    However I think there are several things wrong with this. Firstly, there should be a general election held when the prime minister quits office - meaning Brown would have an official mandate from the people. Next there should either be a constitution written for the UK or we should have very clear rights as to when a referendum is mandatory. Thirdly (and least realistically) we should abandon representative democracy and implement real democracy. If we can vote for Big Brother contestants then we should be allowed to vote on things which really matter in government.

    As for Mugabe, I don't think the desicion between Mugabe or Mugabe, or between voting and getting killed is a really much of a choice...

  12. i cannot believe you're comparing a corrupt, murdering, torturing criminal to Gordon Brown. sorry but they are too entirely different things, if you voted against any EU treaty, you would not be beaten up and killed, unlike those in Zimbabwe who go against Mugabe.

  13. You can't say he gave people the chance to vote when he was the only person they could vote for! That's not ACTUALLY a vote.

    However,  I totally agree with you about the Lisbon treaty - we were promised a referendum, and never got one. Wow, Labour back-tracking on a promise - surprise, surprise.

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