
Mule hasn't shed..?

by Guest67086  |  earlier

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My mule hasn't shed his winter coat.. I don't know if it's a mule thing or what. He's going to be a year old July 4th. I just don't know why he is still so fuzzy! Any ides?

He's not quite as fuzzy as in the pictures but still have a lot of fur.

Also, I posted about how I couldn't catch him and just wanted to let you all know that I caught him a few days ago without corrals or anything.. just patients. =D




  1. A good bath with a scrub brush (designed for animals) will help to loosen his undercoat, lose that hair and help him cool off.  Good luck!

  2. I need to agree with the first answer.  Corn oil is wonderful at helping them shed.  OMG he is cute!!

  3. ahaha i have no idea what to do i just wanted to say that he is really cute

  4. Delayed shedding is the major indicator of Cushing's disease in horses. Its a kind of hormonal imbalance. I'm really not sure if mules get it as well, and it usually happens in older horses, but it might be work investigating if some of the other proposed solutions you get don't work.

  5. My horse was having trouble shedding out too. I began giving him a cup of corn oil a day (you can buy at any grocery store) mixed with his feed (half a cup at am feeding, half a cup at pm feeding). He shed out pretty quick (within a month's time) and his coat was really shiny. I also used a shedding comb every day when I groomed him. Good luck!

  6. Hey there,

    No worries lol.

    You have to keep in mind that hes 1/2 donkey and donks shed like 2 days in august and grow their winter fur immediately lol.   Little exagerrating but thats what it seems like.

    None of my mules are completely shedded out, the younger and the older ones just cling to it till middle summer.  

    Your mule will shed, but it might be almost the end of august when he does and then might instantly grow winter fur, so don't panic.

    Its true that holding onto winter fur can be wormy, but in mules its common for them.

    Congrats on him btw, i remember your post.

  7. Delayed shedding is most often caused by worms.  Have you wormed your horse lately and do you rotate wormers?  If you answered no to either of those then worm your mule again.

    Also check the hair at the base of the tail.  A wormy horse will typically have hairs that are curled upward there.

    Nutritional imbalances are the cause and typically worms the culprit because they take in some of the nutrients that would otherwise go to the horse.  This causes a lack of oil to be produced by the oil glands of the hair follicles.  Corn oil will cause the shedding but mainly treats the symptoms not the cause.

  8. Aw, I'd say get a metal or plastic shedding blade and a curry comb, and just go at him one day, he might just need some help, sounds like a pony I worked  with once, he was soo shaggy, it wasn't even funny. So I tied him up, grabbed my shedding blade and curry comb, and just attacked him with hit. (Didn't really attack him, but you get my drift.) and it worked. :]
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