
Multi-dads- a Blair-Labour legacy...?

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what are your views on the generation of multi-dads and other such indecorous women that seem to have emerged from their witch-hovels during the Blair-Brown era?

As indecorous as a hybrid lilo Lil and Mam from Bread- or am I being too harsh?

or not harsh enough?




  1. Sterilisation after the second failed relationship should sort the problem.

    funny coz everyones like, " These women with loads of bratts, keep poppin em out... get a job!!" Their kids pay the bills because the Gov make it easier to sit on yer *** having kids than to get up and get a job. Why bother when I can just keep having kids and brown will pay my rent and council tax!! I have 2 kids under school age and it is cheaper for us as a family if I stay at home and we live off one wage than if I put the kids in childcare. Why dont they lower the cost of childcare or offer help with that to encourage these scrounging bastrds to get off their butts and get a friggin job.... and the sad thing is it is through no fault of their own that they have fallen into this rut, blair just made it easy for them to do it!!!! Raaaaaaaa!

    We are not entitled to family tax cred, our household income dropped by 22k when I left work and we are not entitled to a penny more child tax creds. Yet, when my partner lost his job the dole office offered to pay our mortgage and give us £92 per week to spend. No thanks Brown, you can keep it! Fvcker!!!!

    Oh you've got me started now... my nextdoor neighbour is in her 20's and on baby number 5, dad number 3. Doesn't work, blokes come and go. All the dads probably give her back handers and then she claims other tax payers money an all. I live in an ex-council house in a rough estate and see alot of women like this. Gets right up my nose and makes me so mad I could spit i tell ya!!

    Shannon Matthews.... I rest my case!!!!! Yuck!

  2. Blair was anti-family and anti-christian.

    It's easy to tear-down but hard to build.

    GB is a far worse society cos of Bliar.

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