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How do you feel about multi-tabling? Do you do it? If so, what kind of games do you multi-table (limit, no/pot limit; cash games, SNGs, tournaments, anything?) Why do you think it's a good idea?

If you don't do it, why are you against it?




  1. don't multi table very much unless i am playing more than one private tournament at the same time....i think that i makes me play worse and can't concentrate on just one of them....

  2. I multi-table all the time if I am not playing a stud varient.  With nlhe, I find it makes me play tighter and it is a heck of alot harder to get bored when seeing that many hands.  I like doing it with omaha too, but you better be able to read your hands at a glance if you do.

  3. The good part about playing more then one game online is that you get to see tons of hands per hour, and you have a good shot to take down more tables as well. But the bad part is that you loss to much info since you go back and forth from table to table. But if you can look at many tables at once then it is ok to do so, for me i tend to get board with just one game so i like playing 3 tables at 1 time. Plus the fact that it keeps me from playing sub par hand since it tends to take more reading skill to play them well. So i tend to play a tighter better game when im playing 3 tables at once. But for others they may not like it, since it does take a lot away from there ability to foucus on just 1 table.

  4. yes, 6max cashgame nolimit. 8tabling. play top hands TAG

    just play one limit lower then ur used to playing. and grind it out. use pokertracker.

  5. it's really personal preference imo, but i don't do it for three reasons:

    1) i don't have the attention span...maybe others do but not me

    2) i'm anal about gaining info about players at my one table...again, maybe not for others, but i think you just lose so much info by trying to play multiple tables because you can't focus yourself on one group of people at a time

    3) table selection becomes overly important...if you are going to play multiple tables at once, you had better be d**n sure that you have an advantage at the tables you are playing at because of the loss of info that you have to make up for...and to me, it becomes too difficult, especially when playing four or five tables as some do, to find enough profitable tables to do this, unless you are playing really low stakes

  6. I rarely do it.  I prefer to concentrate on what I'm doing, and multi-tabling doesn't let you do that.  It forces you to only play premium hands in the right situations.  I'd rather play a wider range of hands and be able to focus on making the right plays.
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