
MultiVitamin??? Opinions Please?

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Can I have some opinions on what a good multi-vitamin for a 23 year old female? I am not a very good eater as far as fruits and vegetables. I love them but definetly don't eat all my food groups each day. I also am trying to lose weight and recently lost 20 pounds. I started a third job, work alot and don't have much time to eat. I weigh about 160 and hopefully only going down from there. Please let me know about any good vitamins I should be taking... PLEASE




  1. You want a vitamin with good absorption. So Take right after a meal. I would recommend One a day, Centrum, or anything from GNC.

  2. you can always take a basic multi-vitamin that you can get from any local drug store or even grocery store.  Since you don't eat that many vegetables and fruits I recommend juice plus which gives you your fruit and vegetable servings for the day.  You might want to take a vitamin-c and a fish oil pill to keep up your immune system too.  Go into a GNC or drug store to see if they have any other ideas.

  3. OK I think One A Day Weight Smart multi vitamins are good. My mom has taken them for years and has had no problems. She also takes Calcium but you are young and shouldnt need in excess to the multi vitamin, and she takes fish oil. Its great for hair skin eyes. everything you name it. Garlic too!!  But I say the One A Day Weight Smart. its in a green bottle. They also sell Women's  and Men's vitamins. I get mine at costco.

  4. GNC has a multivitamin just for women that is really good

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