
Multigenerational Mulattoe?

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Ive been confused as to the meaning and usage of the word mulattoe.

If my Great grandmother and grandfather were both first generation mulattoes(Grandmother having Irish and black genes and grandfather having native american and black genes) what does that make me?




  1. A label originally used in prejudice. It's beyond me why people want to embrace terms that once compared humans to animals, being that the word supposedly come from a word for mule.

    I think an embracing of it is where you get a concept of "Multi-generational Mulatto," but it's just a *label*, not race, or culture or anything like that. I'm not sure it counts as Mulatto if it's more than two races.

    As for you...happily (I hope) all mixed up like a lot of us. : )

  2. get a dna test done to REALLY see where your from.

    i urge you to watch these 2 very great videos done by a harvard professor whom is black it will shed some light on your issue

    you might not be what u think you are afterall

  3. ggggggggggggggggggggggtttttttttttttttttt...

  4. Beautiful!!!!!!!!!

  5. Mulattoe, or better said "Mulato" is an spanish word.

    After the conquest of Mexico the Spanish conquerors brought black slaves to the new lands and a lot of racial mixtures began taking place in the spanish colonies.

    The dominant white penninsulars created a racist system of cast (racial clasification) in wich the top of the pyramid was occupied by the white who were born in spain(the peninsulares called also "gachupines"), followed by the white who were born in the colonies (the criollos)and then the mestizos (half white and half indian), the indians an the different casts(all sort of mixtures), being the lowest place occupied by the pure blacks.

    So mulato refers to the mule (mula) which is the offspring of a horse and a donkey

    Of course being the Viceroyalty of New Spain system of cast an extremely racist clasification,  the offspring of a white male and a black slave woman was called Mulato, in reference to the Mule. It was a term created to discriminate but now a days to call a person who is half white and half black a mulato or mulattoe is more or less socialy accepted.

    So refering to what you said your gradmother would be Mulattoe and your grandfather would be "zambo"

    But I dont recommend to clasify your heritage nor yorself with these kind of clasifications since their main intention was to make a racial discrimitanion.

    You are a human being just like the rest of us with a multiracial heritage, just like a lot of us.

    I hope this info is good for you.

  6. Mulatto is a black mixed race.

    Before the black race were freed in 1865 all mixed black races were considered mulatto.  As we matured as a nation so did the words we used.

    If you are more comfortable saying you are black then you are of Black.  

    You are also black with Irish decent and you are Black with American decent.

    So that makes you Black with Irish and American Indian decent.

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