
Multiple Questions About UTI:Urinary Tract Infection Answer All Or Some If You Can?

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Ok well im pretty sure i have uti because for atleast a year now off and on i get the burning urine thing and i also have incontinence but im only 15 and a virgin . and i jus started taking birth control for irregularity of my period but when i went to the gyno i just could admit to the burning urine of the incontinence & i REALLY do NOT want to be examined down there!!.. so my questions are

are the long term effects of the burning urine problem?

if i tell my gyno my burning urine problem and about my incontinence will she have to look down there?

and is burning urine only caused by uti or could it be something else?




  1. yes it can lead to kidney problems if untreated.look for a family doctor

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