
Multiple alleles genetics question, 10 points for someone's good help and right answer?

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Four babies were mixed up in a maternity hospital, so that each parent was given the wrong child. The babies had the following blood groups: O,A, B and AB. The four sets of parents had the following blood groups :

couple no 1 father O mother O

couple no 2 father AB mother O

couple no 3 father B mother B

couple no 4 father A mother B

Which baby belongs to which parent ? Please show me how you got your answer, I missed a day of school and didn't get notes

Thanks for your help and 10 points to the person who shows me how to get the right answer




  1. well hi. blood group genes are co dominantly expressed so now we can solve it

    1. couple 1 both mother & father have O blood group so both of them will have OO genes coz to be of blood group O you need this set of genes. so they cannot have child of any other blood group but O so the child with O blood group is of couple no 1

    3 Now for couple no 3 mother has B same as father so both of them could have genotype BO or BB so they can have child of either blood group B or O but couple one is having O child so the child with blood group B is of couple no 3

    2 now couple 2 mother is O & father is AB so mom will have OO genotype & dad will have AB genotype so they can either  A or B blood group child but B blood group child is of couple 3 so couple will have A group child

    the last remaining child is of couple 4!

  2. Couple 1- Both parents are O i.e. genotype is OO so the baby has to be OO (since O is recessive to both A & B) Thus, blood group O baby belongs to couple 1.

    Couple-2 Father is AB and mother is OO

    Possible genotype of baby- AO (blood group-A) or BO (blood group-B) but their baby can't be AB.

    Couple-3 Possible gentypes of parents- BB or BO

    Possible genpotype of the baby- BB 25%) or BO (50%) or OO (25%). It can't be OO because that has to be couple-1 baby. Thus, couple-3 baby has blood group- B

    P.S.- That confirms couple-2 baby has blood group-A.

    Couple-4 only remaining choice- blood group- AB and that also fits into  their blood groups.

  3. A and B are co-dominant, O is recessive.

    so baby o has the genotype oo

    baby A could have the genotype AA or Ao

    baby B could have the genotype BB or Bo

    baby AB has the genotype AB

    with me so far? now the parents,

    couple no 1: genotype: oo x oo  Result: oo (100%)

    couple no 2: genotype: AB x oo  Result: Ao or Bo (50-50%)

    couple no 3: genotype: (BB or Bo) x (BB or Bo)  Result: BB or oo (50-50%)

    couple no 4: genotype: could be either (AA or Ao) x (BB or Bo) so the result could be any of the babies (coz you can get Ao, Bo, AB or oo)

    still there? get it so far? couple 4 is a bit tricky so do 4 punnet squares (ie the 4 different combinations). be careful!

    next part is a bit of logic....

    couple no 1 : baby o (no other choice right?)

    couple no 3: baby B (coz baby o is already taken)

    couple no 2: baby A (coz couple 3 has baby b already k?)

    which leaves couple no 4 with baby AB.

    yeah, that should be right. hehe... hope this helped and your not too confused!

  4. 1. father and mother had to have the O baby since o is recessive both parents had to contribute the o gene

    3. where father is B and mother is B. they both could have been homozyous dominant for B or heterozygous and been BO  they both contributed the B gene so their child is B

    couple number 2 where  father is AB and mother OO father gave the A gene and mother the O so the child is a blood type A

    couple number 4 where father is A and mother B -father contributes the A gene the mother the B gene child is AB

    2. couple

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