
Multiple choice q: The Ancient Egyptians are most related to...?

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a) Modern Egyptians

b) Cushitic people of Somalia and Ethiopia.

c) Greeks

d) Dinka, Nuer, Shilluk tribes of Sudan

e) Bantu in general

f) other




  1. Greeks

  2. ancient egyptians are most related to the ancient libyans. they may be some distant genetic relations with modern egyptians but like so many cultures there have been millenia of interbreeding beteween greeks, romans, semitic peoples, indo-iranian peoples (ex. nefertiti who was non-egyptian), hurrians, possibly minoans, etc.

  3. I would say a but bear in mind as a general rule the further south you go the more you'll see people with Sudanic or Nilotic features.

    b) probably not

    c) Greeks only in Alexandria and some of the larger cities where there would be people descended from Hellenistic era colonists.

    d) see my comment on a

    e) Bantu no way! The Bantu migrations started over in Western and Central Africa and went no where near Egypt - ancient or modern!

    f) maybe

  4. b)Cushtic people of Somalia and Ethiopia

    i think...

  5. A, modern Egyptians.

    The Southern Egyptians seemed to be about 40% black African, and the same seems to be true of the very early Southern Egyptians, who are described in most studies as a mix of races, with overweight to the European/caucasian.

    Lower Egyptians had no noticable N3griod traits, and the hair is Caucasian, as are the teeth.

    In a large Y chromosome study of Egypt there was no sign of Greek or Italian Y chromrosome types (Keita).

    You even get about 40% caucasian ancestry down in Nubia (I blog old DNA and hair studies on Egyptians and Nubians). Some naturally blond Caucasian hair is seen there in the old Kingdom era.

    They looked nothing like the Bantu. The majority of skull and hair are just like modern Egyptians, mostly Caucasian with a large minority of N3groid as you reach the upper Kingdom.

  6. a) Modern Egyptians

  7. modern egyptians

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