I have multiple horses that need names. Here are their gender and coat
1. a chestnut male needs a showname (2 or more words) and a barn name (1 word, and it can't be in the showname ex. Ancient Traveler and Gypsy)
2. a black male needs a showname (2 or more words) and a barn name (1 word) His twin is Black as Ebony and has a barn name of Ebony. I want his name to be related to his twins
3. I need a barn name for Got Milk? He's a white male.
The barn name (1 word) can nor be in in Got Milk?
The next two are twins, so I want their names to be related.
4. This cherry bay female needs a showname (2 or more words) and a barn name (one word)
5. Exactly as her twin above, same message
6. This dark bay male needs a showname and barn name
horses that need a barn name:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
horses that need a show name:
1, 2, 4, 5, 6
People who give names for every single number and follow the guidlines will get a best answer