
Multiple users in AFL Forum?

by  |  earlier

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I`m seeing a lot of thumbs down here lately.....reckon someones got about 4 accounts going........ I wunda who? Can you lighten up & take a joke mate!!




  1. Only new to Yahoo, tell me what is it with the thumbs, I just ignore them at the present.

  2. Thumbs up and thumbs down is only a general guide.

    I gave a best answer earlier today in my golf question to a guy who had 3 thumbs down and no thumbs up. But I still gave him the best answer because he answered my question and my question only when people were taking other things into account.

    It's only as a guide and should only be used if the answer pays out on the asker, totaly off the mark or just a silly answer altogether

  3. And i think to myself, what a Wunda full world.

    Yeah, i think to myyyyyselllllf,whaaaaat a wundafulllll worllllllllld......................Ohhhh... yeeeeeaaaahhhhh

  4. Life's too short to WUNDA about those d**k heads!

    After all, we're the ones enjoying ourselves, they must be soooooo angry :))))))))

  5. Not all, but many people with a poor upbringing are selfish, immature,dishonest, lack humility and discipline, respect for others,and in many cases are to be pitied .         Usually because of their negativity, it becomes the excuse for lies , deception and fraud.

  6. I don't need to WANDA!!!!

    I've been telling everyone this FOREVER!!!!

    I'm learning now to just ignore him/her.

    No thumbs downs or Ups for him/her.

    And I refuse to block him cause its useless with the other accounts.

    well that's my 2 bob !!!! lol

  7. Hey Richo, I know where your coming from and I used to think that as well, but these day's...I just ignore the thumbs down business, simply because I know that either that person is jealous of me for some reason or that he/she may not like me. So if I get a thumbs down for my answer, its 2 fingers up to them. Who Cares. I DON"T.

    That's the way I see it Richo, some people can not see the light and needs to crack a smile now and then.

  8. Here we go again!

    Someone accused me the other day of having seven different IDs. Now today it's four - that's a bit more realistic. Even I couldn't handle seven!

    I'm on block again by the usual blockers. Really I don't know how I manage all these thumbs down due to the number who have me blocked!

    I just have a way with female AFL fans, don't I?

  9. pfffft Who cares what everyone else thinks.

  10. Trolls, They should go to bed.

  11. Also looks like the soccer goons have attacked the footy site.

    I have opinions about footy and I suppose those that don't like them give me the thumbs down.

    If so, sorry I pissed you off.

  12. Like I said, it's turning into an angry housewives club.

  13. I used to wunda, but not anymore, I know the culprit/s and I dont bother anymore....i find it hilarious!!

    Its only the immature that cant take as good as he gives ;)

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