
Multiple wives ?? Turkey?

by  |  earlier

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I saw on TV somewhere that in Turkey you can have 3 wives is it true? and isn't that against Islam??

just for the record i would legalize it the more the marryier i always say :D




  1. Well.. Islam allows till 4 wives but advices only doing it when a man is able to treat them equally.. While woman are allowed to be married to just one man at a time.. And concerning law, it's completely legal.

  2. Same but other way around for women!

    You know that movie 300, i found out that the spartans believed in allowing and supporting their wives to sleep with other spartan men as it was seen as helping them grow stronger in numbers. I thought wow the women must have had loads of babies back then lol

  3. It's not legal, but many in rural areas (especially Kurdish areas) still practice polygamy.

  4. Against Islam? I always thought Muslim men were allowed to marry multiple women!

  5. islam says you can have 4 - osama has/had 4

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