So I wanted to get a multivitamin to make sure that I'm getting all of my B vitamins and my iron and stuff. I got a multivitamin called "Super Nutrition Simply One Women". It's a multivitamin that I take once a day with a meal.
I've only taken two of them since I've only had them for two days, and I've noticed that my urine has turned a yellow-green! I know this is the result of my body flushing out excess B vitamins, but should I be worried?
I eat a wide range of things even though I am vegan. I wanted to know if paired with this multivitamin, could I overdose on a certain vitamin?
For example, the %DV of the vitamin I take for Vitamin C is 250%.I also eat foods high in vitamin C on a daily basis. Am I getting wayy to much?
Also, there are other vitamins in there that have percentages over 100%, like Selenium, Vitamin B1, and Vitamin B2.
Should I be taking these even though I eat a wide range of nutritious foods? I want to make sure that I am getting my vitamins like iron (which is 33% DV in my vitamin), but some of them seem like it's TOO much.
Please help! I appreciate your comments!