
Multivitiams do they actually work or what??

by  |  earlier

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I take mulitvitiams daily, but have always wonder what they do for me?




  1. I'll go along with Justin B : but, keep this in mind. I have seen this, a person taking about, I think it was fourteen bottles of vitamins and one of each, enough to choke a horse. I asked her what all these were for. She said that she figured it out for herself what she needed. I told her "you know that you could be making a dangerous mix with all this and, do you need it all" she didn't really know.

       A mulit vitamin maybe good but, keep this in mind.If you eat a good meal and all of the food groups, three times a day then unless you have a physical problem, you'll be getting everything you need.

       Other then this, see your doctor or, a nutritionist.

  2. Multivitamins pick up the slack for recommended dietary allowances when food comes up short.  Because diets vary day to day the likelyhood of getting everything that you need is slim, so multivitamins ensure you get what you body needs daily.

    Now as far as if you body truly "needs" them, well yes and no.  Some deficiencies will manifest themselves very quickly if you start cutting them out of your diet, and others you can simply think of as 93 octane for your body--not necessary but certainly makes things run better.

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