
Mum's been a carer for her father for 10 years. How do we put that info into a resume?

by Guest66708  |  earlier

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My grandfather passed away recently and Mum was his carer. Before that, she went to school for a while and before that, she was looking after me.

I'd like to help her write a winning resume to give her the best possible chance of gaining worthwhile employment. How do we show Mum's skills eg negotiation, attention to detail, dedication, etc - which were acquired through being Pop's carer on paper?

She can do any job but it's hard to explain that on paper!!

Any ideas, links, anything you have would be appreciated!




  1. she could explain that being the carer of he father it gave her the opportunity to gain skills in negotiations (List her dealings with centrelink/utilities etc), accounting ( as in running his accounts)

    People like your mum are often under-valued.. by so many people.. Yet the world would be a much better place with more caring people like her... I wish her the best of luck in finding a great job.

    One thing that I can recommend is if she joins a recruitment centre. These places hire out labour to big companies and businesses.Often the places that hire people's labour end up employing them themselves fulltime as they can see the skills the people have. That is how I got the job I now have. After being a stay at home mum for several years and having several dead-end jobs... my self esteme and morale was way down ...I joined a recruitment agency and they sent me to  one assignment .. and the company employed me after a while. I'm happy and really enjoy my work.

    Once again GOOD LUCK.

  2. Your mum probably has more life skills and patience than most you will find that if you are honest in your resume that will count for a lot more than anything employers are looking for hard working ,reliable, honest people who are dedicated to the job and put all this in they will soon realize they have hit the jackpot.

    I care for my dad too it is a hard but rewarding experience but I always think if the shoe was on the other foot and I couldn't care for myself he would do the same for me no doubt about it.

    Good luck to your mum and you.

  3. Your Mum sounds like a wonderful person, and a lot of employers would really value having a dedicated and caring person on their staff, if only they knew the details!

    However, it is a competitive world out there, so I suggest that she go along to an agency, job centre or online service such as 'My Career', where she can practice writing a resume, and get some hints about the most effective way of doing it.

    Good luck and best wishes to your Mum!

    Cheers :-)

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