
Mum at 13 in naples, italy?

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this article is in Italian

I'm Italian but not from Naples. The article said that Nunzia, the pregnant girl, lives in Forcella, a very poor quarter of the city. Her boyfriend is 15.

What do you think?




  1. cant even read what it says if someone could translate for me because i'd love to join in this discussion =D

  2. its wrong!

  3. but i cant understand it..

  4. I think her parents are very good parents

  5. Italians are strict catholics are'nt they?

    This can't be good for anyone but then look at the young mums of Britain.

    It is like a fashion now to be pushing a pram around before you sit your SATs exams just like having an ASBO to your name. 'Authorities' are powerless to act...

  6. not much you can say really. except good luck to her and hope she is a brill mum because young mums can be.

  7. Fairly normal in my area, If a lass isn't settled and married at 14 shes likely to be left on the shelf for being frigid.

  8. I'm from the US and my best friends mom was 12 when she had her son and 14 when she had my friend.  It's disturbing.

  9. wicked

  10. Its wrong but at least she isnt having an abortion and killing a life and that she's living up to her responsibilites

  11. Children bringing up a child!

    how can a 13 and 15 year old know what love etc is my sister has jsut had her first at 19 and is finding it hard so i dont dare think how these will cope

    all i can say is god help the baby, and i hope someone will be there to help and guide them through parenthool, hopefully not their parents if this is how they were brought up, to have sexual intercourse without protection at 13 years old


  12. people over here get pregnant at that age

  13. well... if she's happy with this situation I don't see the point on writing an article about it...

    good for her..

  14. Well it used to be a stigma but now its everywhere.  Wonder the Miafa aren't out after her boyfriend and that there isnt to be a shotgun wedding.  Mediterranean girls mature much earlier than those of England but what is surprising is that her family allowed it to go this far...where was the mother???

  15. It's sad that a young girl and boy are going to struggle bringing up a baby - who in turn will probably struggle all of it's life.

    And it all could have been prevented with a condom!

  16. I wonder if you are going to be posting this question every day!

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