
Mum hamster abandon babies?

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My mum hamster just gave birth on Sunday, I think she might be abandoning the babies. Because she is in her house and the babies are in the nest, one is just struggling to get out to get to her. What do I do?




  1. be thankful she didn't eat them.

  2. They will mostly likely die ........just wait a little more and she maybe will have more interest. If you touch them in less than two weeks shell eat them. Make sure you havent touched them or disturbed her or the babies. Only go in there cage to put in food and water. Also put them in a quiet place.

    Good luck!!

  3. well, it's actually  normal for the mom to leave the babies and then it should come back, but it does seem abnormal, well see how it goes and then maybe things will be better in the end.

    -good luck.

  4. they will die, some hamsters do this, especially if they get nervous from being watched and bothered.

  5. theres not much you can do...

    rodents only abandon their babies if something is wrong...mabe you disturbed her, mabe the babies arnt healthy...

    but unfortunatly if shes decided they are not worth her time theres ntohign you can do to make her...

    id leave her alone and hope she takes them back once it quiets down again...

    its darn near impossible to bottle feed hamsters and unfortunatly if she realy has abandoned them she will likley start killing them if you try and put them anywhere neer her.

    the other posibility however is...shes a young mother and is simply taking some quiet time to herslef

    they need Mothers milk at this age...kmr is the closest youll get to replacment formular suitable but there sooo tiny there almsot impossible...

    mother hamsters are HIGHLY unlikely to accept other females babies. Sorry!

  6. I hate to be the one to say this, but the babies will likely die. If the mother really isn't showing any interest then there really isnt anything you can do, except maybe try to (and I can't confirm this), use an eye dropper and give them water, and whatever puree little fragments they could handle. Birth is strange, but is made all the more strange when it's in captivity.

  7. Ohhhhhhhhhh! Im an animal lover! If she does abandon them, go to the pet shop or the animal shelter. Go and ask someone who works there if they have any female hamsters that had or have babies. Adopt it and see if it accepts your hamster babies.

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