
Mum wants me to wait till I'm 16 for a piercing?

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i want my lip pierced but im 14 so i need my mums permision its not fair what should i do?




  1. you shouldnt get your lip pierced. whats so great about having a chunk of useless metal being hammered into your flesh and having a hole there for the rest of your life. pain pain pain. it actually is fair, SHE GAVE YOU THE GIFT OF LIFE. seriusly be grateful. also you only get one body and one life and then thats it, so you shouldnt go around putting holes in yourself just because it looks ,"cool" to you  and maybe some of your friends.

  2. Wait until you're 16, clearly.

    I was a piecer for 3 years, the reason they don't pierce anyone under 16 is because most of you aren't responsible enough to take care of it properly.

    Stop whining, it's only two years.

  3. Your mom is right b/c in 2 years you may not want that lip piercing and then you will be glad you didn't get it.  If you take it out later and it heals, it can look  like you have a zit under your lip but its just a small scar.  Get the belly ring, at least you can hide that later if you want, don't do anything to your face that you can't take back later.

  4. your mom is fair, remember who's providing you with food, shelter and love

    listen to her and don't break her heart

  5. Be grateful you have a clever mum.

  6. I'm a mom.  had the same scenario with my 15 year old son (he just turned 21 and yep, still has it)  So here is what and how I handled this issue.

    He wanted it done. . . I didn't (I mean really didn't) But I could see that this was a real bad want for him, so bad that I feared he would do it himself under real unhealthy conditions (DO NOT DO THAT) .

    I gave him one week to prepare a 'debate' He would of coarse take for "for" side while I opposed. score was kept. Winner would get their way. Everyone stayed calm, no fighting - no arguing - no whining  . . (and looking back, it was really rather fun, but as a mom I guess I should not confess that fact )    

    There were in total 20 points made. . . . And trust me, opposing the idea at all, I brought up everything I could think of. My son however, really impressed me with his debate, his answers proved to me that he had in fact thought of each one of these "social" impacts, and thought them out in detail.

    At the end of the debate, I picked up the phone and made the appointment myself. We both learned a lot about each other that day. Our respect for each other grew tremendously ! ! ! ! !

    We debated a number of times with each other after that day, but I think my son has made up some of the subjects (since he let me win =).

  7. Just wait it out until your 16. She just cares and worries for you, thats all.


  8. Listen to you mommy>>>>>>> they always know what best>>>>>> besides>>>>> lip piercings are gross>

  9. Just listen to your mom and wait.You might regret it and then you have to take it out and there will be a scar after the hole closes

  10. Wait two years and thank your mum for having sense.

  11. listen to your mum u don't want to end up regretting it at least she is considering you getting one

  12. Well back in my rebellious days when I was your age I wanted my nose pierced (still have it) my mom said no... I did it myself.

    She then came around and realized I was old enough to make my own decisions.  I have got (but removed most) 20 piercings in total since then, and 6 tattoos.  The tattoos I had to wait until I was 16 and wouldn't regret them (i only EVER got tattoos with MEANING) - but piercings could always be taken out my mom said.

    But, her house, her rules.  Different rules in different houses!  If you have to wait until then, just do it.  Good luck!

  13. lol, i have the same problem,.

    you can pierce it yourself, (not suggested)

    or you can take a fam. member instead of your momm.

    goood luck (:

  14. just listen to your parents and why do u want your lips peirced? its so disguting. its only for emo. but you could be ......... one

  15. Any reputable tattoo or piercing place won;t touch you till you are 18.  I don't blame her for making you wait.  You need to wait till you are a legal adult and able to make all your own decisions.

  16. im a 17 year old guy and i can tell you that i wouldnt recommend it, it would make you look rough.. which women shouldnt be

  17. Try and reason with her. maybe you can come to a compromise.

  18. Why?

    What should you do ..... be thankful! You're mom is right! In a few years, you're probably not going to want one anyways.

    xo Julie ox

  19. its sweet she wants to protect youu but in fact its alot worse to have your belly buttn pierced than your lip,

    your stomach is obviously one of thee main parts of your body - nd your tummy button can allow infection to pass through into your stomach - haa as you can tell these were the points my mum gave me when i asked to get my tummy pierced..

    but your lip piercing *im not too keen on them but hey who said i have to like them not me getting it :L* well thats not half as bad as your tummy or stomach, tell her there are more risks with your stomach piercing than lip piercing and that eventually you will find a way of getting it done so shes best just to let you, but be nice when saying that haha xx

  20. If you need consent, and cannot get it, then there isnt much you can do.

    Just wait till you are 16. Who knows, you may feel differently about it by then.

  21. i would wait boring i know but i honestly would wait

  22. it is horrid and painful-you bleed and everything

  23. i would wait for something like that, remember its on your face, not something you can hide. You have to thing about the long term conclusions of your decisions

  24. Wait then. It is fair, 14 is hardly an age to decide that you want some metal put through your face. I may be wrong, but I'm guessing you just want it because it's cool. Oh, and your school will kick up a fuss about it. Just wait.

  25. If I were you I would just wait until I turned sixteen like your mom advised you to... for two reasons, one; you will be more mature and independent at sixteen, two; trust me by sixteen you will have changed your mind! My mother let me get my tongue pierced at twelve can you imagine all the negative attention I recieved??? I don't think you want to jump the gun like that, read a mag or go get your nails done... enjoy your teen years they won't last forever and you'll be begging for them back.

  26. It is fair. Its for your own good. Its only 2 years away, get over it!

    Or you could move out and then do what you like, you wont like it for long trust me!!

  27. be glad your not me i had to wait till i was 18 and out of my mum and dads house

  28. you're probably just following a little scene/emo trend

    dont think about the piercing as much and you'll get over it, your mom is saying no for a reason. and if shes letting you once you turn 16, thats chill

    i highly doubt you will still want it by then, so then whats the point of getting it now?

  29. Be grateful that she's giving you the permission to have it done 2 years early!

    EDIT: It is also fair, that it's not going to be a hole in your face! Belly button is quite discrete. Don't cry little emo. everything will be okay.

  30. Listen to your mom and wait until you're 16, she's not being unreasonable.

  31. Well im young too, and somewhow i got my parents to give in on getting my nose, monroe, and belly button.

    Just try to reason.. like i gave up cussing for my monroe.. I got it done, and well i still cuss like a sailor.. Try reasoning in some form. It may work!

    Good luck!

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