Just wondering opinions. I'm not here to judge or attack anyone, im just curious what others do and think about it.
Personally, i dont do it. I cant. i think that if my daughter, who is 12mos is crying, then there is something she needs that i havent done for her. even if its only that she wants a cuddle. and i feel like if i ignore her then im failing her as her mother and since she didnt choose to be here then i dont see why she deserves to be ignored.
i know someone who uses CIO, and her little girl is terrified of bedtime. she associates it with a time where she cries and mummy doesnt come. and she has told me of times when she cried so much she vomitted - which i think is just plain dangerous.
i just want to make it clear im not insulting those who do use it and im not accusing anyone of being a bad parent.