

by Guest63876  |  earlier

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OF NITS .. in my house .. I have them my baby has them. My room mates kids brought them home from day care I am Iallergicgic to any form of nit treatment and my baby although only 4 months old has lots of hair and don't want to use chemicals on her what do i do?




  1. Tea tree shampoo and conditioner we have always used this and so far we have not had any since ..Use a nit comb on just wet hair and comb as many out as you can then add the tea tree shampoo give hair a good wash, wash out and apply lots of the conditioner and use the nit comb again.. worked for us

    Good Luck x

  2. yikes!!! i worked in the hospital for years and i've seen a lot of this actually. if you can't take the chemical treatment you have to go through the hair strand by strand in a bright light. and i do mean strand by strand and pull each nit from the hair. also make certain you wash absolutely everything in your home!! this is no guarantee but it will work if you spend hours on each other's hair.

  3. We use eucalyptus oil. Only ever had one case (thank goodness!)  Just use as much as it takes to wet the hair, over with a shower cap for a few minutes and then shampoo out. Never had them back!!

    Make sure you wash all sheets, towels etc too.

  4. Try any tee tree shampoos sprays or any other tee tree solutions .

  5. i had them when i was really little and my mom used mayo and put a shower cap on my head for like 30 min and it worked as for the baby i would pick them out i have also heard that vegtable oil works with shower cap but you leave it in all night

    the mayo kinda glops together and makes it easy to comb out and also sufacates the bugs/nits

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