
Mums and dads: How did your other children react to a new baby in the house?

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I have 2 children one age 5 one age 3 due to give birth any day now...

Just wondering how other children have reacted to having a new baby around?

Both my children are looking forward to meeting there new baby brother but I'm guessing they wont be as happy once he is born?




  1. I was two when my baby sister was born. My mom was worried that I would get jealous, so she thought long and hard about how to avoid it. I ended up having no issues at all (so my mom tells me, I don't really remember).

    The key is to make sure that your other children don't suffer a decrease in attention. Get them excited before hand, tell them about *their* new baby brother. Take them to the store to get them a special big sibling to be gift (it does not need to be expensive) to congratulate them, and let them help pick out something for the new baby (this does not need to be expensive either, and can even be supplies, like diapers and wipes).

    Ask relatives and friends to greet the older children first, and maybe spend a couple of minutes with them before going over to coddle the new baby. If at all possible spend individual time with the older kids.  When the baby takes a nap, for example, even if you have chores that you have to get done, tell the older kids that you have a couple of things that you need to do, but that you want to spend some time with them first.

    Give your kids the opportunity to do little jobs like getting wipes, or feeding the baby, but never make it a requirement. They did not have the baby, and it is not their responsibility. Forcing them to do these chores will only create resentment, and they are already giving up enough.

    If you have to do anything to change the rooms, do something special for the older kids, so they don't feel pushed away, or that something is being taken away from them. Instead create something new for them (this does not need to be expensive either).

    Talk to them along the way about things the baby will and won't be capable of. Talk to them about how crying is the only way that the baby can communicate and make a game out of figuring out what the baby is trying to say.

    Tell them that when the baby is older, they'll all be great friends, but at first all the baby will be able to do is eat and sleep (and p**p and pee, which might make the kids laugh) - this way their hopes for a playmate won't be dashed.

    Life will be a balancing act, and things might be tricky at times, but never ever take it out on your older kids. They might blame the baby for making you angry with them, and that won't help the situation.

    Good luck, and I hope things work out well for you and your kids.

  2. The older one will probably be excited about being a big brother and all, but from experience the 3 yr. old will most likely be jealous, he's used to being the baby of the family, he will be competing for your attention, it would be good if you could set aside time just for him ( when the baby is sleeping)... Good luck!!!

  3. My older son was 5 when his brother was born.  He was so excited but I assured him that soon enough he would find the baby to be a pain in the neck.  We even had a $5 bet on it.  I forgot about the bet and when the baby was about 9 months old and crawling, my older son brought me $5.00.  The baby was getting into his stuff.  They are grown now and still have their little tiffs but for the most part they get along very well.

  4. I have two children two and like you one age five and one age three, Pix my five year old son was two when Samantha was born and he wasen't happy when she came home at first he said "Hey I have a baby to play with" and he was happy then at night he said "Mommy shut that thing up its driveing me up the hall!" (he thought the phrase "driveing me up the wall'' was hall lol! then the next day when I spent more time with her he was mad and he wrote a poem about her here it is


    Puny, funny, whiney

    Loves to be with me

    Hates to go outside

    Sister of PiX

    Lives in Country

    Resident of Charleston

    A puny baby

    then he wrote anouther

    about himself


    Smart awesome big curios

    Brother of Samantha

    Who loves playing outside KFC food my bed

    Who feels sad when I have to go to my room pain when Frodo or Charlie plays rough dumb when Charlie tricks me

    Who gives kisses to my family presents to my family and other stuff

    Who fears water, small places thunder

    Who would like to have a bigger roomand a sister protection gate


    Happy fast big

    Loves when mommy plays ball games with me

    Hates when mommy puts me in my room

    Brother of Samantha

    Lives in the Country

    Resident of Charleston


    Puny, funny, whiney

    Loves to be with me

    Hates to go outside

    Sister of Pix

    Lives in Country

    Resident of Charleston


    Smart awesome big curios

    Brother of Samantha

    Who loves playing outside KFC food my bed

    Who feels sad when I have to go to my room pain when Frodo or Charlie plays rough dumb when Charlie tricks me

    Who gives kisses to my family presents to my family and other stuff

    Who fears water, small places thunder

    Who would like to have a bigger room a whole house and a sister protection gate

    Resident of charleston



    Whiney small sleepy sometimes awake

    Sister of Pix

    Who loves pizza beef and cheese

    Who feels mad when Charlie scares me e afraid when I get shots and happy when mommy comes

    Who gives bites to me kisses to mommy cuddles to Pix

    Who fears sharks in the bath tub ha ha and monsters

    Who would like to eat a whole pizza sleep in a bed not wet herself

    Pix is a good poet

    He eventually loved her

  5. with my kids, my oldest is used to it. he's had many newborns in the house. when he first found out he was going to be a big brother he really wasn't old enough to understand. he was two i think. each of children has taken the news differently. mainly the girls would still want to be the baby in the house and try and get attention by acting up or something. the boys would usually want to help with the baby and be by my side 24/7. my one daughter didn't like the idea of a new baby in the house. for about a year she was a wild child she would throw tantrums all the time she wanted all of mommy and daddy's attention. finally we sat her down and asked her why she didn't want a new baby in the house and she said it was because she was afraid that we would forget about her. it was the cutest thing but she got over it and learned to love her new sister. i can't say that they all get along now but they aren't totally hostile towards each other. they have learned to love each other and get along.

  6. My oldest was right at 4 weeks shy of her 3rd birthday and she was soooo jealous and horrible with her new sister. Now that my youngest can play they get a long better, but still not great. My oldest would scratch the baby, hit, shake you name it when she was an infant. I am expecting the 3rd in 6 months, my kids then will be 5 and 2 and I am scared of what they might feel/do. I hope its a boy then maybe it wont be too bad. Good luck to you and I wouldnt worry about the 5 year old as much as the 3 year old, just make sure he gets lots of huge and kisses.

  7. my son. who is 3 yrs older than his sister loved her aqs a baby, when she started walking and touching his toys, things changed, he picked on her all the time, even as teenagers. they are now 23 and 20 and get along great. I think as they mature, as they get older

  8. well when i was 5 and my brother was on the way i felt a bit like my parents did not want me so the i talked to them about why thy where having a baby and i was ok but still a little sad make sure to give your child as much love a and afaction as you give your baby.

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